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Live to 100? The Secret Sauce of Longevity
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Live to 100? The Secret Sauce of Longevity

What does it take to hit the big 100? A big clinical study published in June 2024 in JAMA Network Open, where they studied 5,222 people aged 80 and above in China, revealed it's not just good genes. It's all about being healthy naturally ᅳ living that healthy, holistic life we're always talking about at Sana Herbal Sciences.

They found that individuals with the highest healthy lifestyle scores were 61% more likely to become centenarians compared to those with lower scores. That's right, folksᅳ61%! Those who made it to 100 had a few key things in common: they didn't smoke, they exercised regularly, and their diets were diverse. Who knew natures remedy could be so powerful?

the Numbers

Out of the 1,454 centenarians, 61.7% were women, with an average age of 94.3 years. During the study's five-year follow-up, 276 of the 851 individuals with the highest healthy lifestyle scores hit the 100-year mark. Compare that to only 373 out of 1,486 individuals with lower scores, and you see the impact of those healthy choices.

No Smoking, Exercise, and Diverse Diet

Smoking: It is badᅳevery child knows that. But this research shows just how detrimental it is in real lifespan numbers and how quitting smoking (or even better, never starting) benefits your longevity and health span. 

Exercise: Regular physical activity doesn't just keep you fitᅳit keeps you young at heart. Literally.

Dietary Diversity: Eating a variety of foods means you're getting a range of nutrients, which helps keep your body and mind in top shape.

Natural Health and Holistic Medicine 

Holistic doctors and naturopaths have been stating for years: a balanced, natural, holistic approach to your health is key to health span and longevity. It isn't just a modern trend; it's a lifestyle that is now being supported by evidence in studies and research. Focus on natural health, make conscious choices, and you can significantly boost your chances of living a longer, healthier life.


We live longer than ever before (77.6 years in China and 73.5 years globally), but the trick is not just about living longer, but living healthier and happier. What we see in this study is that even at an advanced age, changing your lifestyle to a healthier one will pay off. It's never too late to start embracing holistic health and making choices that promote longevity, giving you more time to enjoy moments with yourself, your family, kids, grandchildren, and (big chance) great-grandchildren. Think it over and be healthy… naturally!

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